My Own Little Cat Burglar

I write a series of tales about Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Watson and their regular visitors, Miss Emily and her Burmese cat Mandalay – the cat burglar. Mandalay tends to come home with some very odd items at times. The stories are based on a cat a friend told me about years ago, and on my own feline friend. Now and again Thunder ‘acquires’ an item, when he does so he takes it under the couch to squirrel away and there, sooner or later, I find it. In the last few years he’s helped himself to the chimney sweep’s torch, and my house manager’s reading glasses.
Then last week it was my fly-buys card. I ran about for days looking for that, came to the conclusion that I must have lost it, arranged for a replacement, and then – just as the replacement arrived – I happened to be moving a power cord that runs behind the couch, and there was my card. I knew who’d had it all right. He sat there complaining as I picked it up. That was his, he’d gone to all the trouble of collecting it and tucking it away safely. It was HIS and I should give it back. I didn’t and I wonder what he’ll acquire next, but I have a feeling this episode too may end up in one of the Mandalay stories. And people ask where I find plots.

1 comment

    • Rod Marsden on 12 September 2016 at 16:52

    I too find plots in the oddest of places. Currently I am working on the adventures of Solmes and Whattling for radio. A theatre group I have been connected with this year is looking to break into radio and I am hoping that my female versions of Holmes and Watson will do the trick. I bought a cheap Guy Fawkes mask recently at a spring festival and it has given me a few ideas. Gunpowder, treason and plot…I think I might be able to make something out of that and put it in a modern setting. And I might be able to do it before November.

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