I have no idea where/if I’ll sell these, no idea how many my subconscious is planning, and no idea what started it. But last week I was seized by a flash fiction story, you know, the sort that run around 800-950. I wrote it, revised, spellchecked etc. and filed, before turning to write several letters I owed friends. A couple of days later just as I sat down to email an editor, I was seized by a second story and discovered that I appear to be writing a series with a set background and two main characters. Sf/humour, and quite fun. I wrote the third one yesterday immediately after I’d revised a story that MAY now sell with the revision. I’m not sure where to offer the three, or if there’ll be more. But I don’t mind doing them, they’re fun to write and I like the characters. They’re daft light-hearted tales, and I’d like them a lot if I read them elsewhere – so I’ll just have to hope that an editor somewhere feels the same way.