Published May 2014, paperback, 20 stories, also bios, glossary. Minor internal (attractive) artwork

Reviewed Steve Johnson.

As a theme anthology this worked quite well. I didn’t like several of the stories, but all over it had more that I enjoyed than those that I didn’t, and some of the ‘didn’t’ was personal taste rather than quality. The opening story by Lorraine Williams, First Day On The Job, set the tone extremely well, and that continued through Lyn McConchie’s Unbroke to the Potter, (a terrific retelling of an old tale) past fine stories by Eileen Mueller, another by Ms Williams, and one from Tracie McBride. The anthology is more solidly linked to its theme than is usual with many theme anthologies and I felt that perhaps some of the authors had strained a bit to make that bond. Overall, however, a nice job, with cover, art, and presentation all well up to quality.


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